Mission Statement

My name is Bret and I am 52 years old and I have just become a father for the first time.

All of you reading this blog who have grown children are probably either falling out of your chairs laughing or are rolling  your eyes while shouting at the computer, “What an Idiot, is he drunk?”
To that I answer YES, but that is only when I am writing this blog, most of the other time I am sober.
For most of my adult life I have been a free spirited single man, who always thought that having children was not the path that the Universe had chosen for me. I had thought many times of how great it would be to raise a human being who would know right from wrong and practice the basic Golden Rules and would be an asset to a civilized society. As the years went on and a large percentage of the younger generation I was coming in contact with left a lot to be desired as far as being good human beings, that desire to take my shot raising a child grew stronger even though I knew it was probably not my destiny to do so.
Along comes a gorgeous girl named Erika, who literally walks into my life like a scene out of a smarmy Hollywood movie and steals my heart (she also stole my wallet, but when I confronted her, she gave it back and I chose to forgive her and move on with the relationship). One date led to another and another and then to a restraining order (later rescinded) and eventually, to her moving in with me. The only hesitation that Erika had before moving in with me (other than the Cheyrl Tiegs poster on my bedroom wall) was that I was older and probably would not want to have children. It was a surreal feeling to know that the door I thought had long since closed as far as me having children was suddenly wide open.
In case young children are reading this Blog, Erika and I got married, wrestled with each other in an adult way and The Stork brought us baby Alex.
I will now chronicle different stages and events that I, as a 52 Year Old First Time Dad, experience in the raising of baby Alex to become a person that makes society a better place because he exists. If he also happens to have great talents at music, sports, etc… that I can take advantage of financially, then that would just be icing on the cake. Other parents have found ways to get around Coogins Law and so will I, if given the chance.